Poduszeczki na szpileczki - tiny sweet pincushions - TUTORIAL

Potrzeba matką wynalazków....
Ja potrzebowałam małej poduszki aby nie 'zjadała' moich igieł.

Trochę się zagalopowałam i zrobiłam więcej niż jedną.
Okazały się super na drobny prezent oraz bardzo przydatne.

Mam ochotę na jeszcze więcej więc przy okazji opiszę jak je zrobić.

Necessity is the mother of invention...
I needed a pincushion that will not "eat" my needles any more - that is to say - small one.

Finally I made more than one as they occured to be very useful and a great idea for a small gift.
I think I will make some more and describe how to make it.

We need to prepare:
  • plastic bottle cup (diameter ~ 4 cm)
  • cotton fabrics, glue gun, thread and needle, polyester to fill the pincushion
  • ribbons, lace, ric rac tapes and beads - whatever you want for decoration.


Cut a circle, a little bit bigger than the bottle cup, sew running stitch all around the circle as shown on the picture.


Pull the threads, and fill the circle with polyester.
Form a ball and secure and trim the threads.


Glue ready fabric ball to the plastic cup.

There is  a need to glue the sides of the ball as well, just like shown on the picture below:


The last step is very easy and creative.
We need to glue the ribbons or lace or anything you want on the side of the pincushion. You can do it with the glue gun or any textlie glue as well.

Optionally you can add some beads - it will look very nice.

That's all.
Pincushions are ready to use.


  1. Love this idea will be making sister and niece's one for Christmas!!! THANKS

  2. I hope it will give you a lot of joy


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